Connect with the Best Talent Worldwide

Unlock a world of top remote candidates with our database, hundreds of thousands of site visitors, advanced spam blocking, and a dedicated support team. Post a Job and receive applications within 24 hours.

First time on DJ? Get 25% off your first job post.

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Trusted by Hundreds of Remote-First SaaS, Ecommerce, and Digital Agencies

Get 25% off your first job post, the Hiring Guide, templates, new candidates, and more.

Top Features:

Track Applications and Block Spam.

Increase apps by 25%, block spam, and message applicants with our Applicant Tracking System (ATS). 60% of clients utilize our ATS.
Database of 550k+ Job Seekers.

Browse, filter, and directly message candidates. Share account and messaging access with your team members (no seat limits).
Job Ad Marketing Campaigns.

10x your job’s exposure with a LinkedIn ad campaign directly targeting candidates with the skills and backgrounds you need.
Hire Right with Best Practices.

Implement up-to-date templates and resources that contain best practices on scorecards, job descriptions, interviews, and more.
Support and Slack Integration.

Our recruiters can share insights on salaries, hiring trends, and give feedback. Book a call or message them with Slack integration.
Careers Page Integration.

Embed your company account to your site to instantly have your own ‘Careers Page’ that lists your job openings.

The Hiring Platform for Remote-First SaaS Companies,
Ecommerce, and Digital Agencies

30-Day Job Post 🧨

Expose your job to hundreds of thousands of candidates and receive applications in 24 hours.

Step 2 of the 5-Step Process


  • 30 Days of Job visibility
  • Applicant Tracking System
  • Database of 550k+ candidates
  • Promotion campaigns targeting qualified candidates
  • Dedicated talent manager tracking the job’s performance
  • Contact the team anytime with Slack integration
  • Terms: Get 25% off your first job post
Post a Job

Remote Recruiting

Save the most time and get the best talent with the complete process done for you.

Steps 1-5 of the 5-Step Process


  • Candidates are sourced and interviewed by expert recruiters
  • The top candidates are introduced to you and ready to interview with your company
  • Continued support for 3-months after
  • Average time to hire: 〜21 days
  • Terms: 50% deposit / 50% upon placement - OR - $0 upfront with ongoing contract basis
Book a Call

If you need help deciding what is best for your job, schedule a call with us or drop us an email.

What Customers Are Saying about DJ

Hired a Senior PHP Developer
in 3 weeks

It was the quality that really stood out. DJ's candidates made up the majority of our shortlisted candidates and out of our top 3 choices, 2 were from DJ. One of which we hired and has been a total rockstar and amazing addition to our team.

Quinn Zeda

Founder of Conversion Crimes

Quinn Zeda hires talent on Dynamite Jobs

Questions? Let's talk!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you post a remote job?
First, write a compelling job description describing the remote job. Second, use online job boards that post exclusively remote jobs.
How long are job postings up?
The industry standard is job postings are active for 30 days. This can be extended or shortened depending on the difficulty of the role, the number of candidates being hired, and the company’s hiring process.
How do you successfully post a job?
Have a thorough and compelling job description with a straightforward application form to gather candidates and advertise your job in the proper channels.
How do you write a job announcement?
This should include a description of your company, the reason you’re hiring, a list of responsibilities included in the job, and the qualifications necessary to perform well in the job.
How do I list a remote job posting?
You can list your remote job posting on Remote job board boards, social media groups, and share it with your own company’s network and your personal network.
What does remote mean in a job posting?
‘Remote’ indicates that being physically present in an office is not required for the job. The ‘remote job’ can be performed in your home or a coworking space.
How much does posting a job on Dynamite Jobs cost?
Posting a remote job on Dynamite Jobs costs $399. However, as a first-time user, you can take advantage of a 25% discount on your first job post.

Get 25% off your first job post, the Hiring Guide, templates, new candidates, and more.