Closes in 2 days Remote Job

Software Engineer - Ruby/Rails

About the role

We’re looking for an experienced and talented Senior Rails developer to join our team. This role will focus on building features and functionality to help the millions of independent business that use our platform. As a small team we often wear multiple hats and you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate during early phases of our process, helping shape the work of the team and influencing outcomes for users. We value individuals who are pragmatic and deftly balance long term vision with near term priorities.

About Big Cartel

Big Cartel is an e-commerce platform that gives creators, artists, makers, and small brands from all over the world the power to open their own online stores and make a living doing what they love. Since 2005, we’ve helped people sell over $3.5 billion of their work while remaining a 100% independent company. Driven by our passion for creativity and innovation, we stand as a haven for small brands connecting their passion with opportunity. As we love to say, “you don’t have to sell out to sell online”.

Job requirements


  • Work collaboratively with a cross functional team to build and deploy new platform features.

  • Write well structured code and accompanying automated tests to meet business objectives.

  • Contribute to internal tooling to improve developer experience.

  • “Tend the garden” by proactively fixing bugs and performance problems before users report them.

  • Help debug and resolve occasional production issues.

  • Write internal and external facing documentation.

  • Attend and participate in in-person events ~2 times/year.

Our Stack

Well qualified candidates will be very comfortable jumping in and contributing at a high level from day 1. You don’t have to have years of experience with every item on this list but should have deep experience with at least a few pieces (ie really strong Rails & Docker or super accomplished frontend) and be eager to level up with others.

  • Rails, RSpec

  • Hotwire, Stimulus, Tailwind

  • GraphQL and Rest APIs

  • MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch

  • Typescript

  • Stencil

  • Docker, Kubernetes

Bonus points

We love generalists. Being able to contribute across our entire ecosystem is highly encouraged. If you have experience in some of these areas already, even better!

  • Swift/Kotlin native and hybrid native/web applications (eg strada/turbo native)

  • Cloudflare workers platform

  • Hybrid on-premises/cloud architectures

Could this job be the one?