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Product Designer (m/w/d)

Your Role

We are seeking an experienced Product Designer to join our team at StudySmarter and help us define the learning experience of the future! The ideal candidate has a passion for digital products and a flair for creating delightful experiences. They will be responsible for designing intuitive and innovative products that meet both our users' needs and our business goals. 
For this, they will create end-to-end design, from user research, to conceptualization, visual design, qualitative testing and development support.

  • Take responsibility for the design process for different products and features, including user interface (UI), user experience (UX), and interaction design.

  • Collaborate with other functions, notably product management and engineering, to create compelling and user-centric solutions.

  • In close collaboration with our product managers, conduct user research and usability testing to gather insights and validate design decisions.

  • Stay abreast of industry trends and introduce innovative design techniques and tools.

What you need to succeed

  • You have a minimum of 5 years of experience in product design, building products on both mobile and web, and a portfolio with strong design examples, notably with B2C products.

  • You have a strong understanding of UI/UX principles, design thinking, and user-centered design methodologies.

  • You are strong in problem-solving, adaptability, and creativity skills

  • You have experience conducting user research and usability testing

  • You have proficiency in the usual design tools, notably Figma

  • You have excellent communication and collaboration skills

  • You have experience & curiosity in utilizing AI to improve the design process and user experience

Why StudySmarter?

  • You can become a key part of the growth story in one of the best German EdTech startups and build an international market leader.

  • You will work with an exciting product that is already continuously the #1 education app in the app stores and can enable digital education for millions of pupils and students.

  • You will be part of an international and dynamic team, with open and sincere interaction.

  • You can take responsibility from day one and develop personally and professionally.

  • You can design your working environment flexibly. You are free to decide whether you want to work from. You choose the provided equipment yourself (laptop, headphones, etc.).

  • We offer you a competitive salary and the possibility to receive shares in StudySmarter.

  • We offer 30 days of holiday

About us

At StudySmarter, we are building the world's leading education platform, making learning easier and more accessible for millions of students worldwide. As a fast-growing EdTech company, we’ve been named one of LinkedIn’s Top Startups 2024, App of the Day by Apple, and won several worldwide awards. As a company, we are pioneering with AI in Education and always work at the forefront of innovation.

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