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Fire Your "Okay" Employee: Why Settling Isn't Good for Business

Fire Your "Okay" Employee: Why Settling Isn't Good for Business - Remote Resources - Dynamite Jobs

This blog has been originally published on the Remote First Recruiting site

It’s a common dilemma faced by many employers: whether or not to let go of an "okay" employee. Here are our reasons why settling for mediocrity can hinder your business and why it's essential to make tough decisions to foster a high-performance culture. 

The Cost of Bad Hires

Every business relies on the contributions of its employees to thrive. While having competent workers is important, merely settling for "okay" employees can have adverse effects on your company's success. Average or underperforming employees, we call them “B Players” will hinder productivity, creativity, and overall team morale. They might struggle to meet deadlines, lack initiative, or fail to consistently deliver the quality results your business requires.

A Critical Hit to Company Culture

Company culture plays a pivotal role in shaping the work environment and driving performance (especially for remote teams). When you settle for mediocre employees, it sends a message to your team that subpar performance is acceptable. This can gradually erode the high standards, motivation, and ambition that are essential for a thriving remote culture. By retaining underperforming employees, you risk compromising the values and work ethic that define your organization.

Opportunity Cost

Holding onto an "okay" employee prevents you from exploring new possibilities. By removing someone who isn't meeting expectations, you create space for new talent that can bring fresh perspectives, skills, and innovation to your team. Investing in high-performing individuals maximizes your company's potential for growth and success. 

Maintaining Performance Standards

To maintain a high-performance culture, it's crucial to set clear performance standards and hold employees accountable (like using Scorecards). By addressing underperformance, you send a message to your entire team that you value excellence and expect everyone to contribute their best. This commitment to maintaining high standards ensures that your business remains competitive, adaptable, and capable of exceeding customer expectations. B Players don’t want to face the reality of their work performance or lack of it. A Players thrive and adapt to reach and conquer goals and KPIs on their Scorecards. 

Effective Communication and Support

Before deciding to let go of an "okay" employee, it's important to reflect on your management practices. Have you provided sufficient feedback, guidance, and opportunities for improvement? Sometimes, employees may have untapped potential that can be unlocked with the right support and mentorship. However, if you've exhausted these avenues and still witness consistent mediocrity, it may be time to make the tough decision to let them go.

While firing an employee is never an easy task, settling for mediocrity will be detrimental to your company in the long run. By retaining underperforming individuals, you risk impeding progress, hindering team morale, and stifling innovation. Embracing a high-performance culture, and hiring only A Players, requires making tough decisions and prioritizing the overall success of your business. Remember, your employees are the lifeblood of your organization, and investing in top talent will propel your company forward.

At Remote First Recruiting, we understand the challenges of building and managing high-performing teams. That’s why we provide expert guidance and resources to help you make informed decisions that align with your company goals. Don't settle for "okay" when you can fill your team with A Players. 

Strategize with our team and see how we can help you hire an A Player today.

You can book a 15-minute strategy call with us here.


(recruiting account manager)

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